An Introduction to Myself Part I - Reading/'Writing Activity

A. Fill in the blank boxes to complete the meaning of each sentence. To type in a box, simply click in the box and start typing.

1. Each "page" in Power Point is called a .

2. I can close any window or panel by .

3. A blank presentation will open with the first slide, called a  .

4. A slide layout is .

5. The keyboard combination to save a presentation is .

6. I can move from one slide to another while I'm working by .

7. A template is .

8. Once I play my presentation, I can move from one slide to another by .

B. Complete the paragraph below with a few sentences describing your interests. Be sure to give examples as your write.

Sample paragraph:

I'm interested in many things. My favorite activity is hiking. Last year, I hiked to the top of the highest peaks in Colorado. This year I want to hike along all the major rivers. I also enjoy reading. My favorite books are mysteries and books on how to do things. Finally, I love to draw. When I hike, I often take my pad and pencils with me. If not, I take pictures and come home to draw them. This year, I want to learn to identify the birds I see. I'll have to buy a book on how to do that.

NOTE: The lines below are limited in length. When you reach the end of the line, keep going by using the down-arrow key or clicking in the next line.

Print this page. Sign and date it and place it in your portfolio.


Funded by the Colorado Department of Education through the Cortez Adult Education Program. All rights reserved.
ŠUnlimited Learning, 2004

Leecy Wise, author