Writing Page 2
Wildflower Run
Go back to the Word Picture Task Page

1. As you look at the picture, what feelings or emotions do you experience? Add a few words to those below expressing what you felt.

Example: joy, speed, abandon, continue...

2. What do you think causes those feelings? Add a few words to those below.

Example: the field, the flowers, running with heads up, continue...

3. What reaction do you have to the colors? Add a few words to those below.

Example: morning, brightness, happiness, continue...

4. What other senses does the picture awaken in you? What do you experience in the picture? Add a few words to those below.

For example: I feel the wind. I smell the flowers. Continue....

5. Put all of those reactions together and describe the picture in a short passage. Complete the sentences below and write them in the box.

The picture "Wildflower Run" shows three horses of different color (doing what? where?)
The picture makes me feel (What do you feel when you watch the horses?)
The colors the artist used (How did the artist use colors to create an impression?)

When you finish writing, print the page and place it in your folder or portfolio.