Search and Find Rubric
Evaluate Yourself!


Instructions: Look at the items (words or topics) in the first column. They represent important steps in this project. 

Now read the statement that describes how well you completed that item. When you complete this project, continue to the following steps.

CLICK NEXT TO THE STATEMENT THAT IS TRUE FOR YOU. YOU WILL SEE A CHECKMARK. If you change your mind, click again, and the checkmark will disappear. 


-->>Remember --- It is smart to ask for help when you need it!

[FrontPage Save Results Component]




Good Job

Way to Go!

Use the online dictionaries and finding definitions

I didn't follow directions and didn't ask for help.

I followed some directions. I had difficulty with the instructions.

I followed most directions. I "opened" two online dictionaries but had some difficulty.

I followed the directions. I "opened" two online dictionaries and found the definitions I wanted.

Copy and paste words into MS Word I didn't complete the assignment. I had trouble following instructions, but I completed some of the assignment. I had a little difficulty copying and pasting, but I completed  most of the assignment. I copied and pasted the definitions in MS Word and added the names of the dictionaries.
Look up a new word and write sentences with it. I didn't complete the assignment. I looked up a new word but I'm not sure I know how to work on my own. I looked up a new word and wrote sentences with it. I Think I can find words on my own now. I looked up a new word and wrote sentences with it. I practiced using the dictionaries with other words and know how find new words with no difficulty.
Meeting the Math Challenge I didn't complete the Math Challenge. I completed some of the Math Challenge. I need more practice. I completed the Math Challenge but am not sure about how to apply what I learned. I completed the Math Challenge and was able to apply what I learned in other areas.

Task Checklist

Project Instructions

Check Completion

  • Go to a Search Engine (Google), and find links to two dictionaries online.
  • "Look up" a word in each of the dictionaries.
  • Copy and paste the definitions into a MS Word document
  • Write four sentences using the word.
  • Look up another word of your choice and write 10 new  sentences with the new word.
  • Complete a math challenge
  • Save all of your work in your file or portfolio.
  • complete the Rubrics