Integrated Lesson Plans from Colorado 
K-14 and ABE Teachers 


 Click on the sun of your choice.

Integrating Visual Arts and Technology - Kimberley Sheek, Grades 9 -12 and adults
  1. Photo Collage 

  2. Composite Page

  3. Same or Different?

  4. Real or Symbolic?

  5. Block Printing

Integrated Projects in Social Studies - Kay Daves, Middle School

  1. My Heritage Magazine

  2. My Learning Portfolio (Gardner's Intelligences)

  3. Ancient African History-Mask Making

  4. Constitutional Studies Show

  5. Writing Portfolio

Integrated Projects in Social Studies - Cathy Mangan, Middle School
  1. Math Journal
  2. Interviews with the Past
  3. My resume
  4. Job Brochure
  5. Solve the Crime
Integrated Projects in Special Ed - Jeanette Allen, Middle School
  1. Learning Style Brochure
  2. My Personal Portfolio
  3. Career Portfolio
  4. My Life in Power Point
  5. Transition Flyer
Integrated Projects in Math - Kathy Young, 8th Grade
  1. Quilt Squares
  2. Weather Graph
  3. My New Bedroom
  4. Fair Game?
  5. Career Spreadsheet
Integrated Projects in Grade School - Meg Gantenbein
  1. Web Report
  2. Remaking the Mayflower
  3. Design a Site
  4. Graphics for  a Book
  5. 3rd Grade Book
Integrated Projects for Special Ed - Grade School - Sherri Maxwell
  1. Colorado Jig-Saw
  2. Research Paper
  3. Transition Power
  4. Attendance Graph
  5. Program Pamphlet
Integrated Projects in Science - Anne McGinley, Adult Education (K-14 and ABE)
  1. Building an Atom Model
  2. Molarity Experiment
  3. Water Test
  4. Hello Jello
  5. Rock-Art Classification


Integrated Projects for First Grade  - Chris Powell
  1. Picture Collage
  2. Weather Graph
  3. My Journal
  4. Power Point Story
  5. My First E-Mail
Integrated Projects for High School Social Studies - Teresa Jordan
  1. Native Cultures Report
  2. Southwest Culture Map
  3. Navajo Collage
  4. Ute Bear Dance
  5. Power Point on Tribes

Go to Fifty Additional  Plans from Spring 2002 Teachers